Shown above is a Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary volunteer cuddling with a lovely piggie. I know one of the founders, Jennie, and she is amazing. Dedicated to animals and the environment. Saving many precious lives. Located in Woodstock, NY
I recently read all this trendy bacon coverage and how it is making a comeback. Did it ever go away? Do you know there are over 700,000 hot dogs made every year?
If we are truly trying to be "green" and help the earth, why is bacon showing up as a trendy food all of a sudden? I read that it is the new cupcake. To each their own.
Everything needs to be updated, computer software, our home, and our education. How about our food? How about the way we really think green, think eco, think wholeheartedly about being connected to the earth?
Om Shanti.