Last weekend I drove a total of 14 hours round trip to see my dear long time friend Jaime Allen. Who by the way designs for William Arthur and the Vera Wang stationery line. She is super talented and charming. I got to meet Jaime's talented beloved, Ken Murphy, who is a design force times 100. Ken, could you be more talented and adorable? Creative couple they are... making all kinds of amazing foods, designs, and ideas together. They make the best pickles I ever ate!!!
We ventured to the beach on Sunday. Time well spent. Tis my quality over quanity post a few days ago. We had very little time but we used it wisely and the drive home made for a good moving meditation. The beach just happened to have two people riding horses and I was able to snap some shots. There was a little dog running around the beach and he was dying to play with the horses.
Filled with winterberry, seaweed, brush, sandy gray wood, soft white hues, and ocean breeze, I was quickly transplanted to my childhood in CT. I miss it so much. I am attached, I admit it. I love New England. it is home for me. I am beach person, not a lake person. I am an open space person, not a surrounded by foliage person or woods person. I love air, white space and contrast built off driftwood, grainy surfaces, and hints of ebony rock and seaweed. I love the ocean and its depth. It was always my grounding point in the best of times and worst.
This time with Jaime and Ken was so fun and invigorating that I went back home recharged and at ease. It also helped that we had our own hysterical dance party mock breakdancing and singing on Saturday post lesbian karaoke night at a local dive bar. They decided to bring me to one of their favorite laid back places. I am not a lesbian nor do I sing karaoke but I laughed myself silly and it was good light fun.
Small trips are powerful if you get to the point and heart of the intention. Mine was to spend quality time with friends and rest. The beach was the perfect place.
Images taken by Tara Hogan / INK+WIT
beach horses / winterberry / Jaime Allen + Ken Murphy